Together, we can co-create healthy communities for all.

Supporting communities to transform and achieve breakthrough results is a passionate undertaking of ours because it directly supports our purpose and vision. We bring an unconditional commitment, forty years of experience and our full suite of advanced resources and capabilities.

In partnership, we can achieve breakthroughs for your community’s most critical social and environmental causes.

Create multi-stakeholder partnerships to tackle your community’s biggest challenges.

We apply our deep expertise in creating multi-stakeholder partnerships to align people with diverse perspectives, roles and interests to solve your community challenges. These can include leaders from city, state, provincial and federal governments, citizen action groups, business leaders, corporations and small businesses, and local, national and global NGO’s.

We can help you create aligned and trusting partnerships that can accelerate progress with your community’s causes.

Develop transformational leaders who can handle complexity and design innovative solutions.

Community causes are dynamic – with many moving parts, inter-dependencies and hidden cause and effect relationships – and no easy answers. They require transformational leaders with broad perspectives and expanded worldviews who can see beyond conventional thinking and approaches to discover innovative solutions to complex challenges.

We can develop transformational leaders who can navigate the complexity of your community’s causes to produce innovative solutions.

Develop co-creative leaders who can work successfully with diverse stakeholders.

Community improvement efforts often fail because stakeholders cannot get aligned, special interest groups cannot agree, and projects get stuck politically before they get adequate momentum. This is often a failure of command and control style leadership, which doesn’t work well in this environment. Community issues require working across boundaries with greater collaboration and communication.

We can develop co-creative leaders who know how to work across boundaries to coalesce diverse stakeholders to a common direction and solution.

Succeed using our cutting-edge Approach to transformation and achieving breakthrough.

Community leaders are often overwhelmed – understandably – by the complexity they face. How do you eat the elephant? Where do you even start?
We apply our strategic guidance systems for organization and culture transformation. These provide your leaders guidance and direction, so they know what to do, in what sequence, with whom to do it, when, and how. This ensures positive traction forward.

We can provide your leaders with the transformational roadmaps, guidance and methodologies to build a healthier community.

Get the support you need.

Our entire Being First Guild of senior strategic change consultants worldwide is dedicated to supporting large-scale social justice and environmental health initiatives. Each of these experienced consultants are in this profession because they are passionate about making a positive difference in the world. We can engage their talents as needed, depending on the scope and location of your project. 

You will have at your fingertips all the guidance and support you will need to succeed in your Community Cause.

Which are the breakthrough results you need in your community?



Culture Transformation Blazes the Trail to Modern Culture

In a climate of increased social pressures and awareness about diversity, inclusion and officer wellness, York Regional Police (YRP), a leading model of excellence in Canadian policing, proactively up-leveled their culture across their organization.


Danish Ministry of Climate Energy and Utilities
"We have benefitted greatly from their impactful concepts, insights and experience..."
“Navigating transformational change processes like climate change requires Conscious Change Leadership and advanced change process design skills. Being First offers the most comprehensive product in the market for marrying the two. At the Climate Ministry, we have benefitted greatly from the impactful concepts, insights and experience Being First provides.”
Morten Baek
Permanent Secretary
Danish Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities
NATO logo
"They inspired us to create genuine transformational change..."
“Being First provided us with the catalyst with which we jump-started our Allied Command Transformation’s approach to our transformational journey. The Being First team inspired our multinational middle and senior management community, and provided us with the means with which we could bind the tremendously rich mix of cultures in NATO together, and then create genuine transformational change.”
Tony Johnstone-Burt
Former Chief of Staff
NATO’s Allied Command Transformation
york regional police logo
"Leveraging their knowledge and experience to our transformation has been a force multiplier..."
“We've developed a great partnership with Being First. As a change process leader, being able to leverage the knowledge and experience of the Being First team to our transformation has been a force multiplier. Their team has always been accessible, insightful, and above all, dedicated to guiding us to achieve our Breakthrough. I have a true sense that we are working with a partner that is truly vested in accomplishing something for the greater good.”
Alvaro Almeida MA, CMM III
Superintendent, Change Process Leader
York Regional Police
service canada logo
"Enormously valuable in helping me clarify how to proceed and communicate our strategy..."
“In my role as Executive Head of the New Brunswick Region of HRSDC, I planned the transformation of our organization's structure and culture using Being First's Change Leader’s Roadmap. It was enormously valuable in helping me clarify how to proceed and communicate our strategy to the 1200+ people in our Region.”
Lousie Branch
Assistant Deputy Minister
Service Canada, Atlantic Region
united way greater new haven logo
"A unique way of engaging you in the journey toward personal mastery and organizational excellence..."
“Being First has a unique way of engaging you in the journey toward personal mastery and organizational excellence. You leave the experience with hope and a clear picture of how to proceed.”
Jack Healy
United Way of Greater New Haven
"This work balances the heart and head work that's necessary to lead change..."
“The key differentiator of Being First's work is that it balances the heart and head work that is necessary to lead change in a way that doesn't scare away your stakeholders!”
Amy Keil
Community by Design
"Their approach makes the change leadership process understandable, clear, and actionable—so you can succeed..."
“Being First brings its many decades of practical experience in supporting leaders in system-wide change to their Approach. It makes explicit the relationships among mindset, leadership actions, project planning, and complex change. While it's never easy to accomplish complex change at an enterprise level, their Approach makes the change leadership process understandable, clear, and actionable—so you can succeed.”
Katheryn Goldman Schuyler, Ph.D.
Marshal Goldsmith School of Management
Alliant International University

Ready to change your world?

Let’s discuss your community’s critical issues.

Give us a call:


The 10 Key Strategies to Leading Transformation Successfully

These transformation strategies are cutting-edge and proven to ensure full adoption and sustainment of desired results. They provide a systematic approach to consciously leading people through the complexities of transformation with the least cost to them personally, to the organization and the people it serves.

How to Use a Culture Champion Network to Maximize Stakeholder Engagement in Transformation

Discover one of the most powerful engagement strategies for culture change. Hear directly from leaders at York Regional Police who created a Culture Change Champion Network with over 100 volunteers who helped maximize stakeholder engagement across their organization.

WEBINAR Scales of Breakthrough: Personal, Team, Organizational, Communities

Executive leaders are responsible for their teams to reach certain goals towards their organization’s vision. No matter what your pursuit – personal, relational, team, organizational, or community – in this webinar we explore the consistent human and process dynamics of transformation involved that play out in all levels of scale that help you reach your vision.

Instructor: Dr. Dean Anderson

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WEBINAR Vertical Leadership Development: The Answer to Today's Social Challenges

Vertical Leadership Development is critical for solving today’s organizational and social challenges. This webinar explores how this approach provides leaders with larger perspectives to:

Instructor: Dr. Dean Anderson

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The 10 Key Strategies for Leading Transformation Successfully

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