Using our System of Transformation will deliver extraordinary impact.

All our services are part of an integrated System of Transformation.

We’ve been building this System for over 40 years. While each service can stand alone, they are all inter-related parts that build upon each other to increase impact.

Our System of Transformation integrates services in six areas:

Training & Development
Builds stakeholder capability through executive, leadership and change leadership training programs.
Strategic Advising & Consulting
Provides guidance for your executives, leaders and change teams in over 50 critical areas of transformational leadership, including visioning, change strategy development and culture change.
Provides ongoing one-on-one support for your executives, leaders, change leaders and change consultants: personal transformation, vertical development and conscious change leadership capability.
Provides strategic roadmaps – aka “operating systems” – that enable your leaders and change leaders to design and implement transformation, and ensure full adoption and sustainment of desired results at both the enterprise and project levels.
Leadership, team and organizational assessments identify exactly where development will be most valuable for you and your organization.
Enables you to introduce large audiences to the positive impact of Conscious Change Leadership, vertical development, organization transformation, and diversity and inclusion.
Training &
Strategic Advising
& Consulting

Utilizing our System generates
the “force multiplying effect.” ​

The term “force multiplying effect” came from Tony Johnstone-Burt,
former Chief of Staff of NATO, one of our all-time favorite clients.

“Being First’s integrated System of Transformation provides a force multiplying effect, where each piece multiplies the value and impact of the next pieces – the dynamic effect accelerates exponentially.”

Tony Johnstone-Burt, ex-Chief of Staff, NATO’s Allied Command Transformation; Three Star Vice Admiral (Retd)

What enables the force multiplying effect?

The force multiplying effect occurs because all the services in our System are built off a common philosophy and set of principles, practices and methods. They have integrated learning objectives, use common language, strategies, models and tools, and play specific reinforcing roles to accelerate momentum toward achieving breakthrough.

Flexibility and customization add impact.

Our System provides flexibility. You can start small, with any service for any stakeholder group as a stand-alone. If you add subsequent services, they will be set up for success and reinforce what you have already done. Or, you can go “all-in” from the start and partner with us to build a transformation strategy that deploys many services – all “force multiplying” toward achieving your desired breakthroughs. Either way works.

Our System of Transformation provides you the HOW to achieve breakthrough.

Clients tells us that our System is our “secret sauce” for delivering sustainable transformational change that achieves breakthrough because it provides all the pieces for how to do so. Setting in motion its inherent force multiplying effect enables you to raise the bar and achieve greater results than you may have previously imagined.



Culture Transformation Blazes the Trail to Modern Culture

In a climate of increased social pressures and awareness about diversity, inclusion and officer wellness, York Regional Police (YRP), a leading model of excellence in Canadian policing, proactively up-leveled their culture across their organization.

"The most comprehensive approach for leaders who are serious..."
"This is without question the most comprehensive approach for leaders who are serious about making organizational change a strategic discipline."
Jim Kouzes
Bestselling co-author of:
"The Leadership Challenge"
"Powerful business solutions to the current chaos facing many organizations today..."
“Being First provides powerful business solutions to the current chaos facing many organizations today. Their approach gets to the heart of change, the human dynamics, by offering timeless techniques and tools.”
Ken Blanchard
Co-founder of The Ken Blanchard Companies
Co-Author of "The One Minute Manager"
"The best integral approach to business transformation..."
“This is the best integral approach to business transformation ever written."
Ken Wilber
Co-founder of Integral Life
Author of "The Integral Vision"
"These thought leaders have devoted their careers to developing highly successful change leaders..."
“The founders of Being First are core to the field of Conscious Change Leadership. Their deep and rich approach continues to push its boundaries. Dean and Linda have devoted their careers to developing highly successful change leaders."
Beverly L. Kaye
CEO, Career Systems International
Author of "Love 'em or Loose 'em: Getting Good People to Stay"
"The masters of transformation...."
“The Being First Approach is about how to master leading the transformational change process developed by masters of the craft.“
Daryl Conner
Chariman, Conner Partners
Author of "Managing at the Speed of Change"
"A multi-dimensional approach to lead transformation masterfully and consciously..."
“Read Beyond Change Management to learn how to use Being First’s multi-dimensional approach to lead transformation masterfully and consciously!”
Marshal Goldsmith
Author of "What Got You Here Won't Get You There"
"A timely how-to guide for leading change in the 21st century..."
“The Being First Approach is a timely how-to guide for leading change in the 21st century. It provides both a conceptual roadmap and practical tools for successfully transforming organizations.”
Noel M. Tichy
Professor, University of Michigan
Co-Author of "Judgement: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls"
"The Being First Approach is a Must for All Executives..."
“The Being First Approach to change leadership is a must for all executives as it creates a comprehensive roadmap for change by offering key concepts, powerful insights, relevant examples and practical how-to’s.”
Richard Whiteley
Co-Founder, The Forum Corporation
Author of “The Customer Driven Company”
"The most comprehensive and systematic guide for change leadership ever created...“
The Being First Approach, essential for everyone involved in today's organizational change efforts, is the most comprehensive and systematic guide for change leadership ever created.“
John Adams, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, Organizational Systems,
Ph.D. Program, Saybrook University

Intrigued and want to learn more? ​

Let’s discuss how we can tailor our System of Transformation to deliver your desired personal, team, organizational or community breakthroughs.

Give us a call:


WEBINAR Scales of Breakthrough: Personal, Team, Organizational, Communities

Executive leaders are responsible for their teams to reach certain goals towards their organization’s vision. No matter what your pursuit – personal, relational, team, organizational, or community – in this webinar we explore the consistent human and process dynamics of transformation involved that play out in all levels of scale that help you reach your vision.

Instructor: Dr. Dean Anderson

Download Presentation

The 10 Key Strategies to Leading Transformation Successfully

These transformation strategies are cutting-edge and proven to ensure full adoption and sustainment of desired results. They provide a systematic approach to consciously leading people through the complexities of transformation with the least cost to them personally, to the organization and the people it serves.

How to Use a Culture Champion Network to Maximize Stakeholder Engagement in Transformation

Discover one of the most powerful engagement strategies for culture change. Hear directly from leaders at York Regional Police who created a Culture Change Champion Network with over 100 volunteers who helped maximize stakeholder engagement across their organization.


Listen to a snippet from the first episode:


The Ask Dr. Change Podcast

with Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson

Ask Dr. Change is a thought-provoking and insightful podcast designed to provide you with proven invaluable guidance on transformational change within organizations, communities and large systems.
We tackle the tough questions and challenges faced by millions of leaders and consultants worldwide striving to make critical transformational changes.
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The 10 Key Strategies for Leading Transformation Successfully

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