Change Leadership Capability Delivers Project Results

“Being First not only trained us in the Strategic Change Consulting approach, they gave us a consistent way to use advanced resources on high impact projects and a common methodology and set of tools and skills. We created a Strategic Change Center of Excellence to collectively raise the level of play, identity and contribution to the business across all our change-related resources.”
Director of Talent and Organization Capability
Strategic Change Center of Excellence


The leaders of a major defense contractor recognized they were not getting the rapid results they needed from their mission-critical change initiatives. The organization had established Project Management, Change Management, Organization Development, and Six Sigma functions, but collectively they were not able to deliver the outcomes the leaders desired. They worked independently and often competed with one another. The head of talent development wanted to train all these resources in a common approach that would build on their unique areas of expertise while expanding their perspectives, change leadership capabilities and methods to accomplish their change goals. They contracted with Being First to build these practitioners into pragmatic conscious change consultants able to work well together.


In partnership with the heads of the existing change-support functions, we identified the priority projects that all practitioners were working on and secured a briefing of the current status and needs of the projects. We ran a series of change leadership trainings and working sessions to teach, apply, and advance the plans for these initiatives. We worked with the leaders of these functions to see how to integrate their trusted approaches with The Change Leader’s Roadmap so everybody could find where their capabilities added the most value to the project work, and when in the change process they were best used. This alleviated their concerns about being replaced or duplicated. All training and working sessions were directly project-applied, so every project advanced its plans. We stressed the importance of including the cultural and behavioral requirements within their original project scope and taught them how to address these issues more effectively. We also worked with the project sponsors to ensure they knew how and when to engage their change support resources in their projects for their highest and best use.


How can we help you lead your strategic initiatives and culture changes?

Give us a call at +1 970.385.5100 or click below to get started.
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